Monday, August 12, 2013

Increase your cash flow

Increasing your cash flow is the base of our financial foundation. How do we increase our cash flow? You can do business, have investments, have 2 jobs, 1 full time then after a part time job, make a Youtube Video, write a blog, sell load etc..

There are a lot of ways to increase our cash flow but the question is, is it easy? Is it easy to manage a business? Are you able to start investing strictly? Can we manage 2 jobs? What do we need to make a good Youtube Video? A blog? Sell load?

It is easy if we do it, just add discipline and it will be easy. All it takes is discipline. Now these are ways we can increase cash flow, another question would be when do we do these?

Answer: SPARE TIME! Do you have spare time? While we are working and we own a small business, use your spare time to grow your business. 8 hours in the office and after, manage your business, make it grow using your spare time.

Spare time can be used in 2 ways:

1. Make spare time a productive time. When you have spare time, use this time to create more money for you. Do things where it would create you money.

2. Waste spare time. How? By doing the opposite. Do something that kills time and not make money for you. Normally, doing this makes you spend money. Now I understand that we need rest, yes, we need it but for a reasonable time.

We cannot rest always during our spare time if we wish to increase our cash flow. I know of someone who works full time in a call center but after work, he works from home, runs a small business and serves his clients and he also knows when to rest.

In result, he is making more money for himself, increasing his sources of income. Spare time can be a productive time or a waste time. Make more money or spend more? The choice is yours.
