Friday, July 26, 2013

Out of the Blue #4: Japanese Dramas

I do not really watch so much dramas either in TV nor download them but there is 1 type of drama that really caught me, the Japanese dramas!

Believe it or not I started watching these during my 2nd year in college. My economics teacher even suggested this and take note, my teacher is a guy!

Did it sound weird to us? YES! Who would think that a manly teacher, tall with a mustache would recommend such drama? It did sound weird to me. He recommended this certain J-drama (Japansese Drama), It was called "Proposal Daisakusen". We did not know what it was but this guy recommended it, it might be truly nice to watch!

There was a time that I scheduled to watch it but due to activities in school and homework, I was not able to but month after month, I finally found the time to watch!

Since he recommended  "Proposal Daisakusen", it was the first J-drama I have ever watched. I downloaded those files just to have a great resolution. 1st episode, believe it or not, I was amazed! The story line, characters, plot, everything was so amazing!

Now I'm not the guy who likes to watch drama but this was something else. It took me a week to finish all episodes and after that, I was recommending this to my classmates and yes, my guy classmates.

At first, they would not want to watch this, but when they started to watch it, they could not stop! During our break, we would head to the internet cafe, not to play but to watch  Proposal Daisakusen.

Believe or not, 1 of my classmate got teary eyed watching this! Another classmate of mine will get angry if he is bothered while watching.

Since it got so interesting, most of my male classmates would watch this in the internet cafe with a group! Truly interesting!

If you have some time to spare, go ahead, try watching  Proposal Daisakusen, you would not be disappointed. You can also download this in

Happy watching!
