Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The 2 pains in Life

While I was joining a seminar in Wealth Academy (this is where I got my training in preparation for becoming an Associate Financial Planner and it's open to all too!), in the first talk, it talked about the basics of savings, why we should save and values needed to save. One very important slide hit me, I still could remember if as if I just listened to the seminar again.

It talked about 2 pains in life, I thought "it must be pain from broken hardheartedness, or pain of failure, rejection, or even a physical wound." Well, it's not, let me talk about it a little about it here:

In life, there are actually 2 pains:

1. Pain of Discipline
2. Pain of Regrets

What are the similarities? For one, taking both ways will still cause pain but in the long run, one pain is only temporary and the other is permanent.

The Pain of Discipline

This pain is something we get our from a sacrifice that we make because it is only right. For example, you know that we should save money for retirement and to do that, sacrifices are made, we cut expenses, we save money, we don’t party that often anymore, we limit our wants, in other words, our life style changes. When someone invites us to have fun and party, we decline because we should not spend so much anymore.

The pain that we get from this are pain of discipline, we sacrifice a certain action for the betterment of the future. This pain only last for a few minutes then after that, it would be gone.

After all, when it is time that we can’t work anymore and we saved so much. We will live our rest of our life with no regrets.

Pain of Regrets

Pain of regrets is exactly the opposite of the pain of discipline. When we do not do something about securing our future or you have done something that would have a negative impact in our life, we then would regret it. As the saying goes “nasa huli ang pagsisisi” which means regret is at the end.

Remember the last time you had a regret? It sucks right? I had regrets too and In life, I do not like to have regrets. The worst kind of regret is the regret the you will bring throughout your lifetime.

Avoid regrets, do what is right, live life to the fullest! Do what you can do today, do not delay!


All credit goes to ~JonathanTheSmex for the picture above from